Patrick J. Walsh - Online Memorial Website

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Patrick Walsh
Född i United States
48 years
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Tom Patterson MR July 5, 2022
I met Pat at Spokane Community College around the early 1980 while attending the same class he was in, an Architectural drafting class.  There was a group of us that would hang around together, going to lunch (calzones from a small Italian resturant off Mission) and after class get togethers.  Through him I met Gloria.  Sometime I wasn't sure if they were a couple or just sparring partners back then, but I think he really loved her, he was always there for her.  Gloria knew how to handle his sense of humor.  Pat was always talking about his Belvedere.  The one we had in common is that we both enjoyed our cars and we were both to broke to much about getting they way we wanted them back then.  When I go to car shows, I often thought about Pat and what his Belvedere would look like now and if he still had it.  I started looking at the car shows from Spokane on line in hopes of may be seeing something familiar.  I decided to look him up and found out he had passed.  In his passing I think may be I lost a little bit of myself, but I know some friends never really go away, his memory will always be with me.  
Paul Caviezel Worked with Pat in Seattle March 5, 2021
I had not seen Pat in a long time (obviously) but I was telling my wife that it would be fun to look up Pat and Gloria this summer, when we go to Spokane.  I knew that Pat would want to catch up, even if I hadn't seen his in years.  Heck, the place we both worked at, went bankrupt in 1986, so it has been awhile.  But I just knew that Pat would welcome us in and let us "catch up".

I still use Pat's saying from way back when:  "I'm a nice guy, just ask me" and then Pat would let out this loud shrill of a laugh.

Pat sure loved Gloria and would talk about her in a very cool way.  And when I met Gloria, she was loud and didn't take no crap off of anyone.  You know, a perfect fit for Pat.

I was just Googling him, trying to see if I could get their address and phone #, when I came across this piece of bad news.  Not just bad news, terrible news.

I know this is 2021 now but I hope that everyone is doing okay.  Such sad news.

~paul caviezel 
Leah Birr
My husband Chris and I met Pat and Gloria at parenting class called Growing Kids Gods Way. We were in the same group. It was such a kick with Pat and Gloria they made it so fun. Pat had such an awesome sense of humor he always made us laugh. Pat and Gloria also went to the same church as us, Calvary Chapel. We served in the childrens ministry together. One year Pat was my son's Josh VBS leader, Josh said he really liked Pat. Josh and Kelly Pat's youngest son are the same age and go to school together. One of my latest memories is seeing Pat and Gloria in the sanctuary they often sat in our area and I would see how loving Pat was to Gloria, he always had his arm around her. You could tell he loved her so much!! Gloria, you and your boys are in our prayers. May the Lord be your strength and peace. Leah Birr
Tim Corwin

Matt, Cody, Kelly, and Gloria,


  I wanted to share some of my memories from your father’s childhood. Pat was one of my best friends when we were in elementary school about 40 years ago.  

  We always ran around acting like young daredevils, Pat was often out in front going as fast as he could whether we were racing motorcycles, riding our bikes or just having fun.  One day we were headed from my house on Central St. to the Walsh house over on Columbia St. Garry Junior High had a fence that ran along the west side of the school,  the fence went from the alley to the end of Columbia street. On this particular day we were running on top of the fence trying to see how fast we could make it to the end.  When we got to the end of the fence we would jump on to a fire hydrant and then hit the sidewalk running and race to the Walsh’s front door. On this particular day Pat had some dog crap on his shoe, so when he hit the fence he slipped and turned a 180 in the air. He hit head first on the cement sidewalk.  Pat jumped up and yelled “#*&% “”” (well you know what Pat said). Anyway we all looked at the sidewalk where he hit and then looked back at him wondering why he wasn’t out cold. There was a great big crack in the side walk which from the day on was known as the crack that Pat’s head made.        

One winter afternoon when we were in 5th or 6th grade some older kids were sledding down the hills near us at Garry Junior High. One of the kids decided he wanted the sled I had. I told him no and proceeded to go down the hill.  He ran after me and kicked the crap out of me and took my sled. Pat ran over and found a 2X2 that the school had used to prop up some young trees. Pat ran after the punks swinging the 2x2 around in the air and yelling #*#@%& (you know what he was saying) anyway these punks who were a good two years older than us dropped the sled and ran off scared to death.   

When you’re and elementary kid living next to a junior high there are always older kids being bullies. Pat was never afraid he stood up to some of the biggest toughest bullies in the neighborhood. Sometimes he seemed like he was 10 feet tall and made of titanium.  He was the older brother I never had; he taught me a lesson or two in courage... I will never forget him!


Tim Corwin

Jim Bennett
I met Pat in the early 1980's when he first came to work at Motor Works and I remember his wilder days when he was bragging up his old Chrysler Belvidere that he used to drive to and from work. We had some pretty good times at work back then. I had the pleasue of meeting Gloria then and I hope and pray that you and your boy's come through this. I wish I had stayed in touch with Pat more. He will be greatly missed.    sincerely   Jim Bennett
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